Man holding a cross in outstretched hand

Vital Edge Health is a Direct Primary Care (DPC) Network offering healthcare services at fixed costs. Employers and members enjoy lower healthcare costs while experiencing the best of care, leading to healthier, more productive employees, more satisfied physicians, and a better bottom line for businesses – a win-win-win!


For Patients - Heart

Fast Access to your Doctor
No Co-Pays
Same Day Appointments
Urgent Care included


For Employers - square with people

Reduced Healthcare Costs
Personalized Healthcare
Healthier, more productive Employees
Fewer Health Claims


For Clinics - hospital icon

New Stream of Patients
Simpler Administration
Automatic Billing
More Time with Patients

The Direct Primary Care Difference

The DPC model compared to the conventional healthcare model

Employer Benefits


Healthcare Savings


Fewer HOS Submissions


Fewer ER Visits

  • Incredible cost savings
  • Healthier, more productive employees
  • Personalized health care
  • Pay for care, not coverage
  • Fewer health claims…

Questions And Answers

What is Direct Primary Care?

Direct Primary Care is a membership-based healthcare model that may cover 80-90% of patients’ medical needs. It is a patient-centered, whole-body, integrated approach that has been proven to enhance health and productivity while substantially reducing medical costs associated with today’s current healthcare model. Providers offer longer appointments with no copays and no deductibles, and customize treatment plans to meet the goals of each individual patient.

Do I have to use a provider from the VEH system?

Yes. To receive direct primary care benefits from Vital Edge Health (VEH), members must choose a provider from the VEH network. Vital Edge Health is not responsible for charges incurred outside of the VEH network.

Can my VEH provider replace my current primary care provider through my insurance plan?

Your Vital Edge Health (VEH) provider can serve as your primary care provider, however, VEH does NOT bill insurance. Your VEH provider is covered through a membership-based plan offered through your employer.

More questions or ready to sign up? Contact us:

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Compassionate Healthcare - doctor holding patient's hand